Are you looking for a top pest control service company in Zimbabwe? Perhaps you have developed a serious infestation of cockroaches, ants, spiders and mosquitoes.

Now, you don’t find yourself sleeping during the night because of rats scuttling and playing “pada and laughing” in the ceiling. Who says pests have no right to enjoy themselves especially when they feel they are free in their territory?
Quite often, residential, commercial and industrial clients come to a point where DIY (Do It Yourself) counter measures have failed. Buying over the counter products from pharmacies, agricultural outlets and from the roadside pesticide touts would have failed. Pests would have absolutely taken over! This is when one comes to the realization that engaging a pest professional is better.
Moreover, some pest problems like termites require you to engage a professional pest service from the word go. Delays in expertly dealing with the termite problems in Zimbabwe may result in serious property infrastructure damage.
This article provides helpful suggestions of what to look for when you are looking for a pest control service in Zimbabwe. Here is a quick list.
1. Registered and Licenced
2. Certified and Qualified Staff
3. Family, Pet and Environmentally Friendly Pest Products
4. Good Customer Feedback
5. Use of Better Tools Equipment and Technology
6. Solid Core Values
7. Innovative and Flexible
Registered and Licensed Pest Control Service

Is the pest control service company registered and licensed? There has been a proliferation of many pest control companies in Zimbabwe since COVID. Admittedly, there are little to no barriers of entry in the pest control industry. Anyone who knows where to buy a knapsack, chemicals and know a bit of marketing can provide a pest control service. However, there are dangers of using any pest control applicator you come across. You should use a registered and licensed pest control service in Zimbabwe. Using pest control companies that have an Operators License is a sure way to ensure you have a good start.
Certified and Qualified Staff

Having checked that the pest control service company is registered and licensed, you can also check out if their pest technicians are certified and qualified. Pest control appears to be a simple procedure, but in reality requires a certain amount of precision and knowledge. By using certified pest control personnel, you are assured that the pest service being done in your property is of high quality. Certified pest technicians would have been trained in pest identification, integrated pest management (IPM), use of effective pest products and more. There is a risk of using unqualified pest control applicators. Other than putting your family, pet and environment at risk, you may not get the service worthy your money.
Family, Pet and Environmentally Friendly Pest Products
What good does it do when you expose your family, pets and environment after a pest control service has been rendered? No good at all. Therefore, the pest control service company should use effective family, pet and environmentally friendly pest products.

Roadside pest products touted to kill there and there are dangerous. “Unouraya ipapo ipapo” (Pest product kills there and there). Have you ever wondered why pharmaceutical companies use rats when developing products? Anything that kills a pest there and there have the potential to kill a child or pet there and there.
Good Customer Feedback

When you have a pest infestation what do you normally do? You ask for referrals from your neighbors, friends, churchmates, relatives or workmates right? That is a good source of information to find out pest control companies which provide the best service. You can also go online or on social media to see customer feedback in the form of reviews the pest control company is getting. Picking out the pest control service company with good reviews and ratings is a good start. This should be a clear sign that they are a service worth hiring. However, watch out for fake positive reviews and some that are just meant to bring down a pest control service company. Its up to you to sift through them and find the truth.
Use of Better Tools, Equipment and Technology

A great pest control service company in Zimbabwe utilizes better tools and technology you cannot replace with DIY methods. Investment in branded vehicles, spraying and fogging equipment is a good sign that the pest control service has taken time to make sure they provide a good service to customers. Protective clothing that the pest control team is putting on gives you an assurance the pest control service company prioritizes the safety of their workers.
Solid Core Values
Although the pest control service company core values may not be inscribed on the service vehicles, worksuits or anywhere visible , you may get them on the company website. Core values are important in guiding an organization. These are what is important in guiding the organisation towards its vision and mission. At Pest Portal Zimbabwe for instance, we have our core values in the acronym HIPEP. Honesty, integrity, professionalism, excellence and partnership.

Innovative and Felxible
A pest control service should not be short of ideas when they face a challenge in Zimbabwe. Going by the book may not work sometimes. Some pest scenarios require a pest control service company to come up with new ideas of how to solve a pest problem. Having innovative specialists as pest control technicians means they won’t have a problem working around that. Often, they’ll have an immediate solution if things can’t go as usual. Some clients may have specific requests that are not in the pest control standard way of doing things. A pest control service that does exactly this means this is a company to go for in Zimbabwe.
There you go. We hope this article is insightful in making sure you get the best pest control service. Are there some other areas that you look for when looking for a pest service. Leave a commend below. Also share some experience you have had with a poor pest control service.