Have you got a pest problem in your residential, commercial and industrial property in Harare or Zimbabwe? Are you undecided between DIY vs professional pest control?

Whether you have cockroaches, spiders, ants, mosquitoes, bed bugs, rats/rodents, dog fleas, termites or some other flying and crawling pests, one thing is certain: you shall need to deal with the pest problem soonest before the situation gets out of hand. Having a serious pest issue is not only a danger to your health but also has other problems.
The question that comes up when you have a pest problem is therefore: how best do you deal with a pest issue that you face in various situations? This question shall obtain different answers. Some people are defiant that their DIY pest control methods shall eliminate the problem whilst some, however suggest you should hire a pest control professional. Which is therefore the best option?
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Get rid of your residential, commercial and industrial pest problem of rodents, termites, cockroaches, bed bugs and more. We are a pest control professional in Zimbabwe you can trust. Get expert pest help today

How to decide between DIY vs. Professional Pest Control in Harare or Zimbabwe
If you are undecided as to whether you can go the DIY vs. professional pest control, the following are the factors that should help. Here is a quick list:
- Size of Pest Infestation
- Costs Involved
- Convinience
- Safety
- Guarantees Provided
- Effectiveness
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Size of Pest Infestation
This is probably the first and important determining factor in helping you decide which way to go. An infestation of any size is always a big problem. However, if you notice a few ants on your porch, you may opt to use over the counter and DIY products. This may solve the problem to your satisfaction. The only problem however is you may think you have a small problem when you have a much bigger problem. Therefore, the DIY pest solution may only the immediate problem instead of addressing the heart of the problem. The DIY solution provided may therefore work in the short term and your pest problem may recur in the future because the problem has not been eliminated at the source.
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If you notice the pest problem coming back after DIY pest solutions have failed, it may be high time to engage a pest control professional.
Moreover, if you suddenly discover a sudden and huge swarm of a pest in your residential, commercial and industrial place, DIY may not be ideal. This situation may be dangerous especially when bees are concerned. You may therefore need to engage a professional in this regard.
Costs Involved
The cost of engaging a pest control professional is normally higher than DIY hacks. One time for roach pest control services may cost an average of USD50 in Harare, USD80 for rodent control, 2 applications, and USD120 for mosquito control services. If one does not have this money, then DIY pest control may be ideal. However, professional pest control may look expensive but a guarantee is normally provided which makes engaging a pest professional worthwhile. When it comes to termite control, costs can even be more. However, with termite control, it is always wise to engage a termite control professional

Get the Best Team For Your Problem
Looking for a pest professional near you?
Get rid of your residential, commercial and industrial pest problem of rodents, termites, cockroaches, bed bugs and more. We are a pest control professional in Zimbabwe you can trust. Get expert pest help today
Buying a pest control product from a supermarket or a hardware shop closer to you may be considered convinient. This is so because the place is nearer to you. However, these products may not work according to the degree of your problem. For instance, there are many pest control products being sold along the streets of most cities and public places in Zimbabwe that are not deemed not that effective. These products are normally cheap and are hyped to solve your pest control problem.
However, hiring pest control professional is convinient too. Pest control specialists shall handle the logistics and most technical aspects of the job. You do not have to worry about having the right equipment, safety issues or whether you are using the products correctly or running out of product. Although coordination of schedules and balancing time of pest control services and work can be complicated when you engage a pest professional, the inconvinience is normally worth it.
You need to seriously consider the issue of safety when deciding whether to use DIY pest control or a pest professional. Most pest control products contain harsh chemicals which can pose a danger to your family, pets and the environment. If you use these products inappropriately or excessively, you present put risk to yourself, your pets or any member of your family. By hiring a fumigation professional in Harare and Zimbabwe like Pest Portal Zimbabwe, you shall significantly reduce the risk of harming anyone’s health or wellbeing.

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Availability of Pest Guarantees
In Zimbabwe, most DIY pest products do not have standing guarantees. Whether they are going to work or not there is no one you can ask. If you buy a product and it does not work and you return it back, there is rarely any recourse. This behaviour is common especially in a market which is not regulated. However, pest control companies would want to protect their reputation by giving guarantees. Guarantees are important in pest control. Pest guarantees are there to give you an assurance the problem shall be attended to in the event the problem comes back free of charge. Guarantees shall depend on the pest control problem, pest species and type of dwelling. This is why using pest control professionals is always the best way to deal with issues versus DIY pest control.
As previously highlighted, DIY control is suitable for pest control issues that are on a smaller scale. When the pest problem becomes a huge infestation you may need to look for the services of a pest control professional. Some other pest problems also need specialised pest control equipment like termite problems. These jobs should be best left to professionals.